Your stars with Russell Grant

Aries (Mar21/Apr20)

It’s important to listen more than you speak. There is someone around you, maybe at work or in your neighbourhood, who will try to pump you for information. Pretend you don’t know anything about a colleague’s plans or movements. The last thing you want is to cause trouble for anyone else. Do you suspect your boss of lying to you? Take their promises with a pinch of salt. If a promotion hasn’t been forthcoming, start looking for another position. This will turn the tide in your favour.

Taurus (Apr21/May21)

Resist the temptation to lash out at someone who is getting on your nerves. You’re tired of them lording their superior knowledge over you. Lashing out will only make a bad situation worse. It’s better to keep your interactions to a minimum. You’re worried about your financial future. If your current job isn’t paying enough, it will help to gain some valuable skills. Do some research into a rapidly growing field that needs workers who know how to operate hi-tech equipment.

Gemini (May22/Jun21)

Pressuring your amour to spend more time in bed will backfire. When someone is resistant to your charm, you must work your way back into their heart. Ask about their hopes, dreams and fears. Arrange a special outing that’s tailored to their tastes. Don’t let fear of the unknown hold you back. You’re an adventurous person who needs to take risks. This can be difficult when you have fallen out of practice. Force yourself into foreign territory. You won’t be sorry.

Cancer (Jun22/Jul23)

Beware of revealing too many personal details at work. It’s best to keep your private and public lives separate. If a colleague seems to have developed a crush on you, make it clear you have no intention of getting involved. Keep that barrier in place. You’re eager to break free of limiting family beliefs. It’s fine to develop your own philosophy. Resist the temptation to lash out against your relatives. They had no idea what they were doing. You’re doing better. That’s reason to celebrate.

Leo (Jul24/Aug23)

Be selective about telling the truth. Making a full confession will cause problems. Usually, you think honesty is the policy. That’s not the case now, when a rival is eager to take your place. Protect your interests, even if it means covering your tracks. Your health is greatly influenced by your state of mind. Take a few minutes each day to reflect on things that make you happy. Joy is a habit. The more you practice it, the easier it is to sustain.

Virgo (Aug24/Sep23)

Someone is trying to take credit for your work. Confront this saboteur. Confronting them in public will fill them with fear. You’re one of the few people who has been willing to call them on their bad behaviour. They won’t mess with you anymore. Don’t hesitate to ask a friend for help. Whether you need money, childcare or moral support, your loved one will be happy to assist you. Relationships are about give and take. This is your time to receive.

Libra (Sep24/Oct23)

A negative attitude will drive opportunity from your door. Instead of giving in to your bad mood, try lifting your spirits. Treat yourself to art, beauty and luxury. Visit a museum, buy some flowers or splash out on some new clothes. You feel alienated from your home, due to political or cultural differences. Trying to convert someone to your point of view is a waste of time. If you can’t steer clear of sensitive subjects, postpone meetings until you’ve calmed down.

Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22)

Imagining the worst-case scenario is making you miserable. There’s no point worrying about the future. The only control you have is over your own mood. Instead of assuming everything will work against you, have faith that all will work to your advantage. Do you feel alienated from family and friends? Stop bristling every time someone teases you. The sooner you stop being defensive, the easier it will be to recapture your love for one another. If you’ve encountered sincere hostility, break off the relationship.

Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21)

Friends think you have made a bad decision. You’re tired of defending your actions to them. Take the subject off the table. If someone keeps tormenting you, give them a piece of your mind. Make it clear you won’t tolerate their meddling anymore. Money is tight. Make a list of things that make you feel prosperous. You’ve been blessed with so many things, including a great sense of humour and a giving heart.

Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20)

A power struggle with your employer cannot be won. Either bend to their will or find another position. Right now, it’s best to do what you are asked. Detach your ego from this job. You’re so much more than the duties you perform. You’re impatient with people who are reliant on others. You take great pride on being independent. While you should give yourself credit for this self-sufficiency, you shouldn’t hold it against others. Everyone is different; that’s a good thing.

Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19)

You don’t have to like someone to respect their expertise. By taking a teacher’s advice, you’ll overcome a persistent problem. Your work will become noticeably better. At that point, you’ll feel embarrassed of all the resistance you showed. Write a thank you note. Getting angry at public officials makes you feel powerless. If you want to make the world a better place, get involved with a charitable organisation. You’ll feel much better about the state of the world. You’ll also make good friends.

Pisces (Feb20/Mar20)

Don’t divulge the details of your financial situation to a nosy person. They’ll use this information against you. If you need more money, you can find a better job. Instead of asking a friend to get you an interview, get one yourself. Being judgmental will do serious damage to a friendship. You have different priorities from a loved one. That’s perfectly fine. Instead of getting on your high horse, make a list of your loved one’s best qualities. There’s a reason you like each other.