Your stars with Russell Grant

Aries (Mar21/Apr20)

Your spiritual life continues to demand attention. When you feel overwhelmed, stop what you’re doing. Turn your attention inward. Reflect on ideas that bring you peace. Happy memories, beautiful poetry and soothing music can restore your equilibrium. Be realistic about someone who is being rude to you. Trusting this sarcastic individual to do important work is a mistake. They don’t have your best interests at heart. Give this job to someone who is loyal but less talented. It will save time, money and heartache.

Taurus (Apr21/May21)

Money from an inheritance, legal settlement or royalty payment allows you to buy some luxuries. Satisfying your sensual side feels divine. You’re not the type who enjoys a bare bones existence. For you, creature comforts are as essential as bread and water. A misunderstanding between you and a friend shouldn’t be blown out of proportion. You and a loved one have different priorities. One of you thinks parties and ceremonies are important while the other doesn’t place much value on them. Accept it and move on.

Gemini (May22/Jun21)

An intimate relationship is working well. Despite the fact you are highly independent, you do appreciate your partner’s support and feedback. It’s much easier to make bold moves when somebody always has your back. Having another perspective allows you to make better decisions, too. Your career goals are unrealistic. If you’re going to reach the professional heights you desire, some sacrifices will be necessary. Take an entry level job for the sake of getting experience.

Cancer (Jun22/Jul23)

A lovely job will be awarded to you as thanks for your tact, kindness and caring. Everyone loves working with you because you know how to bring out the best in them. Rather than harping on what could be better, you emphasise what works well. It will be necessary to cancel a long-distance trip. Although you’re disappointed, this isn’t the end of the world. You’ll have a much better opportunity to go away when your personal life isn’t so demanding.

Leo (Jul24/Aug23)

Falling head over heels in love is a distinct possibility. It’s hard to resist the charm of someone with an accent. You adore their offbeat sense of humour while they are drawn to your star power. You’re always dressed up while they prefer casual clothes. The difference in styles is the biggest challenge you face. When it comes to your sensual needs, you’re both on the same page. One of your favourite things to do as a couple is spend the whole day in bed.

Virgo (Aug24/Sep23)

Spending more time at home is important. You’ve always been a hard worker. At times, you pour so much energy into your job that your health is affected. When this happens, you must cut back your schedule and let your family pamper you. A close relationship is suffering from unrealistic expectations. No matter how much you want your best friend or romantic partner to be more attentive to detail, they never will be. You’ll always be the perfectionist in this union. Deal with it.

Libra (Sep24/Oct23)

You’re highly flirtatious. This can cause problems if you’re in a serious relationship. No matter how much you reassure your amour of your loyalty, they’ll be hurt by this behaviour. It’s time to decide what is more important to you. A mysterious health concern that surfaces and then wanes should be addressed. Talk to a specialist. It can help to bring a list of medications to your consultation. This health professional might recognise what is triggering the problem.

Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22)

Money is coming in at a brisk rate. It’s time to make long-term plans. Buying a home, getting an advanced degree, opening a retirement account or launching a business are among the possibilities. Let intuition be your guide; it has never steered you wrong. Stop expecting the impossible from your romantic partner. Although they’re not terribly responsible, your amour is highly supportive. Focus on the wonderful things they bring your life and don’t give them tasks they can’t perform.

Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21)

You’re in the mood for a dynamic romance. Settling down to a predictable life makes you nervous and itchy. When it comes to finding a partner, you’re looking for a fellow adventurer. Someone who likes to travel to far off places is ideal. You’ll meet such a person at a religious, cultural or educational gathering. The chemistry between you is powerful. Don’t even pretend you’re disinterested. The sooner you embark on a relationship, the happier you both will be.

Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20)

Spending private time with the one you love is important. You’ve always been obsessed with work. This impulse can do serious damage to your personal life. Give your amour the care, devotion and affection they deserve. Visit a quiet retreat together. If you’re single, embrace your independence. Do something kind for yourself. Sleep late, enjoy a spa day and return to your favourite hobby. Don’t check work messages and stay off social media. Give your system a chance to recover from public life.

Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19)

A team project has your full attention. You love nothing more than coming together with other talented people to make something of lasting beauty. In the past, you were teased for your offbeat views. That isn’t the situation here, where everyone loves your unique vision. Be realistic about your financial situation. If you’re not making enough money, look for a more lucrative job. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be wealthy. When you have enough resources to meet your own needs, you can devote more energy to humanitarian causes.

Pisces (Feb20/Mar20)

You’re deeply satisfied in your professional life. Your employer appreciates your contribution and you’re doing work you enjoy. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you are invaluable to the organisation. If you’re going to sustain this happiness, you must always work hard. Colleagues who are struggling with a tremendous workload could use some help. Do what you can to relieve them of responsibilities. Your considerate attitude will pave the way to some powerful alliances. Someone you rescue will later come to your aid.