Welcome back to another week and another update from the team here at Safari Zoo!

This week our focus is on Prosimians and, more precisely, the lovely lemurs!

We are lucky enough to be a home for four types of lemur here at Safari Zoo: Ringtail, White Fronted Brown, Red Ruffed and Black & White Ruffed Lemurs - all of whom are here as part of the Endangered Species Breeding Programme.

All lemurs originate from the island of Madagascar and sadly populations are decreasing leaving all classified as Endangered (Red Ruffed and Black and White Ruffed Critically).

This time of the year is always exciting as we hear the pitter patter of tiny paws around the park.

This year Pixi, Eden and Fifi have welcomed four new arrivals between them and at least two more of our lemur ladies are expecting the imminent arrival of additions to the troop very, very soon.

You can catch Pixi, Eden, Fifi and the kids in the World Wide Safari Area on your next visit.

Our Lemurs are looked after by Lemur Keepers Emma, Laura and trainee keeper Georgia.

At the end of March, Laura and Emma attended the Association of British and Irish Wild Animal Keepers Workshop.

Attending workshops with fellow animal care professionals allows keepers to share best practice and tips for keeping the animals in their care healthy, happy and stimulated.

Emma and Laura have returned with ideas to add to their current routines, including a mobile scale which will help making the recording of body weights less complex.

Our magical maintenance team are building the initial prototype as you read!

Elsewhere we flexed our muscles this week taking delivery of two and a half tons of sprats!

Sprats form the staple diet for some of our winged residents, who gulp through 25kg of sprats each day!