CONCERNS raised about a much-loved green space running a year-round campsite have been dismissed as 'not the case'.

Conservative members of Ulverston Town Council raised the issue at a council meeting after Ford Park chiefs wrote to residents near the park telling them of a plan to apply for a camping certificate.

Councillors were concerned the campsite could take over the park and the town council resolved to write to the Ford Park Community Group and South Lakeland District Council for further clarification.

Conservative councillor Amanda Rigg said: “Camping could take over the park.

“We can’t lose any space because it is there for the community. Ford Park is Ulverston.”

But, the chief executive of Ford Park, Jill Salmon, moved to address rumours, saying the park would continue to offer camping on festival weekends.

She said an application had been to Freedom Camping allowing the official use of campervans as well as tents to support the 'vital revenue stream'.

She said: “Concerns have been raised that Ford Park intends to run a year round campsite. We would like to take this opportunity to reassure you that this is not the case.

“Since 2006, Ford Park has facilitated camping over a limited number of specific weekends in support of Ulverston’s festivals and events.

“Historically we have allowed campervans to use the field as well as tents.

“We realised our permissions only allowed for tents.

“We hope to continue doing what we have always done; that is offer occasional camping over a limited number of weekends in support of specific Ulverston festivals and events.

“Camping is a small but vital revenue stream that helps to protect a charity-run community asset. The revenue from occasional festival camping helps to protect the future of the park and keep it safe for the community and future generations. Camping at Ford Park supports Ulverston’s festivals, which are an important part of the tourist image of Ulverston.”