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Anne Crayston PHILLIPSON

Published on 21/09/2023

PHILLIPSON Anne Crayston (Nee Rawlinson) Angela and family would like to thank everyone for the cards and messages of condolence. A very special thank you to the wonderful medical staff comprising of the Complex Care Team and Ward 9 of Furness General Hospital who got Anne home after her illness. Also, the District Nurses and Hospice at Home Staff for their care and support at Low Farm. Thanks to the Revd. Olive Copson for the service and The Old Mill for the catering enabling the celebration of Anne's life. The glorious flowers by Bluebell and Ivy were exactly what Anne would have wanted and reflected everything about her. Finally, to Helen and the staff of Little and Caine for their wonderful support, organisation and empathy during this sad time. All donations were gratefully received on behalf of St Peters Church, Lindal and St Mary's Hospice at Home.


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