From booking flights and accommodation to meal reservations abroad, there is so much to remember when it comes to planning your next holiday.

Whether you’ve chosen somewhere hot across the globe for a week of relaxation or a weekend of exploring Europe, getting ready to jet away with friends and family can be equally stressful and exciting.

But to make sure you have one crucial step sorted before heading to the airport, always check you have a passport in date, with a long enough expiration date depending on the country you are going to.

If you have noticed you have a holiday booked soon and you need a new passport, you might be wondering how long it can take, from applying to delivery.

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How long does it take to renew a passport in the UK?

If you have recently applied for a new UK passport, you can expect to get it within three weeks from when HM Passport Office receives your correct documents.

The GOV.UK website adds: “It may take longer than three weeks if we need more information, or we need to interview you. We’ll tell you this within three weeks.

“There are different turnaround times if you’re applying from another country.”

How do I get a new British passport?

If you need to apply for, renew, replace or update your UK passport, you can do so online here.

UK Passport Renewal Guide

Recommended reading: 

It currently costs £88.50 to renew an adult passport online and £100 to renew an adult passport by post.

Passport application forms should be available from your local Post Office.

However, it’s important to note it takes longer to apply by post than online.