HUNDREDS took to the streets of Ulverston last night to enjoy the town's annual Lantern Festival.

The event drew huge crowds as four processions met at County Square and walked to Ford Park for a spectacular fireworks finale.

This year's theme was 'Into the Woods' and produced some stunning creations, with woodland animals, flowers, insects and mushrooms all made out of wood, paper and PVA glue.

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AMAZING NIGHT: Picture gallery one

SEA OF LIGHT: Picture gallery two

SPOT YOURSELF: Picture gallery three

Residents, schools and community groups had been busy crafting the designs for weeks and this year's highlights included a 12-ft Gruffalo, an impressive stag, plenty of butterfly wings, multi-coloured human-sized bears and a giant fairy.

Chris Nelson, chairperson of the lantern festival committee, said: "It was a stunning display. It was brilliant.

"We were so lucky with the weather and it brought out the crowds. The town really got behind it."