THE first day at school is a special moment for any parents.

But today will be particularly precious for Michelle and Kevin Rooney as their four-year-old twins - who were born two months premature - start Reception class.

Jamie and Lily Rooney, of Ulverston, will pull on their pristine new uniforms and head to Croftlands Infant School. The bouncing and giggling siblings weighed just 3lb 15 oz and 3lb 14 oz when they arrived at Furness General Hospital, in Barrow, on March 12, 2012.

Their mum's plecenta detached and she suffered a massive bled so an emergency a caesarean section was carried out to deliver the twins.

Jamie and Lily were born on their Nana's birthday, Irene Hudson.

They spent four weeks on the Special Care Baby Unit until they were strong enough to go home.

Mrs Rooney, 34, said: "I can't believe they are starting school, it doesn't seem like five minutes ago that they were born.

"It's a very big day for them and us.

"It's going to be very quiet in our house when they go to school."

Jamie and Lily, have a big sister in Yvie, seven, and big brother, in Josh, 17.

Their mum said it was daunting knowing her babies were going to arrive eight weeks early. She said: "It was scary because they weren't meant to be here yet. They were tiny.

"I've had four babies at FGH and I've had brilliant care."

The twins went to Little Acorns from two and then Croftalnds nursery at three. They already know their teacher Ian Vincent and teaching assistant Louise Scarr.

Mrs Rooney said Jamie and Lily are "really cheeky" and they are "real characters". She said: "They are going to love school and they love Mr Vincent and Miss Scarr.

"Lily is very cheeky, she is the boss of the two."

Jamie, who plays golf, said: "I'm excited about school. I'm looking forward to playing with my best friend Arthur. I have a PE bag and my favourite thing is toys."

Lily, who enjoys dancing and whose good friends include Philippa, Lexie and Arthur, said: "I'm looking forward to playing and learning. I'm excited about Christmas time at school."

Yvie moves up to Croftlands Junior School, with her friends Georgia and Ebony. The big sister who enjoys dance and drama said: "They are both cheeky and they both make a racket. I love them very much.

"They will enjoy going to Croftlands Infants."

Mrs Rooney said: "Yvie is an amazing big sister to them.

Hospital praised by Ulverston mum of twins born 8 weeks early