AN exciting new local grant scheme launched by Tesco is using the money raised from the 5p bag charge to fund a large number of community projects right across the south Lakes.

'Bags of Help' will fund projects ranging from building new parks and sports facilities, to woodland walks, allotments and school grounds.

Tesco stores in Barrow, Millom and Ulverston will all be awarding successful applicants either £8,000, £10,000 or £12,000 for local community projects.

Recent successful applicant Victoria Bradley, councillor of Whicham Parish council, was awarded the maximum £12,000 to regenerate the Silecroft children's play area.

"I wouldn't have been able to find the funds without bags of help," she said.  "It's a big jump to £12,000 what with the equipment being so expensive. We're hoping to have a grand opening day as soon as it's finished."

Since the October 5 2015, large retailers in England were required by law to charge 5p for carrier bags.  These proceeds will be given to good causes as set out by the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs in the government's drive to reduce waste.

Maxine Lawford, community champion at the Tesco store in Millom, said: "It's an easy process to apply and the grants will be used mainly for outdoor projects. All the information is available in your local store. The government is charging 5p for plastic bags, so we're putting that back into the community."

Bags of help will be working with environmental improvement charity Groundwork, which specialises in transforming local green spaces to administer the scheme.

So, how do you get involved?

1. Community groups can apply for funding – the second round of applications opened on April 18  and will close at noon on June 3. Anyone interested should visit to find out more.

2. Customers vote – Once the applications close, these will be whittled down to three local projects.  Customers will then be able to vote for their favourite projects – the next round of voting will take place in October. You'll receive a voting token with each transaction.

3. Grants awarded - All three projects will receive funding. The amount of funding available will range from £8,000 to £12,000.