GENEROSITY is at the heart of our community as people are pulling together to make sure no one is left hungry at Christmas.

The Evening Mail’s Tonnes of Tins Appeal began earlier this week and already donations have come pouring in from Barrow, Ulverston and Millom.

Yesterday the Evening Mail trailer was parked up outside Booths in Ulverston and a large amount of generous shoppers bought extra items to help stock up Barrow Foodbank in time for Christmas.

Clive Holman, retail sales supervisor for the Evening Mail, said: “We came back with four banana boxes crammed full of goodies.

“Over 70 tins of soup, beans and ready meals, eight packs of assorted dry pasta, sauces, tea, coffee, pop, biscuits and boxes of cereal were handed in yesterday.

“Even a container of Aptamil infant milk was handed in. So, along with the baby wipes yesterday and the soap powder and toilet rolls we have previously collected, some people are really thinking outside the box as towards people’s needs.

“We have even had a 400g tin of After Eight mints so people are thinking of treats for Christmas too.”

As well as all the food that has been handed in, a total of £121.82 has been donated over the past three days.

Mr Holman said: “It’s really heart warming to see the generosity of the people of Barrow and Furness.”

Alistair Gray, trading manager at Booths in Ulverston, was pleased to see the Evening Mail’s trailer parked up outside the supermarket yesterday.

He said: “We are more than happy to support the campaign. If the trailer needs the space at any time, it’s more than welcome.

“The Foodbank is an important charity and it’s great to be able to help them at any time of the year, particularly at Christmas.”

Barrow Foodbank sees an increase in the amount of families needing help at Christmas.

Ann Mills, the project manager at Barrow Foodbank, believes it’s because of the pressure that is put on people to afford presents.

She said: “We do see an increase in the amount of people visiting us from November until the end of January and I think this is because people get themselves into debt at Christmas time because they want to buy presents for their children.

“In the run up to Christmas all this help will be really appreciated.

“Thank you to everyone who is helping Barrow Foodbank.”

The Tonnes of Tins Appeal trailer will be visiting a different supermarket each week over the next six weeks.

Next week the trailer will be visiting Asda in Barrow on Thursday from 10am until 2pm.