A BARROW woman who was determined to lose weight so she could get married in Las Vegas and not have to ask for a seat belt extender on the plane has been rewarded with the Bouquet of the Week.

Adrienne Smith, 30, has lost nine stone since joining Slimming World in Barrow and has been an inspiration to fellow members by passing on lots of tips and encouraging words.

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The mother-of-two was motivated to lose the weight because the last time she went on a plane she had to use a seat belt extender.

The thought of going through the embarrassment again when she marries her fiancé, Andrew Dixon, in the US in August encouraged her to completely change her lifestyle.

Miss Smith, who was 22 st nine when she joined Slimming World in May 2015, said: "The reason why I started was because I was planning a wedding in Las Vegas and the last time I went on a flight I had to ask for a seat belt extender.

"I said I would never get on a plane and have to ask for one ever again so that spurred me on.

"It's off and it's not coming back.

"It's one less thing to worry about.

"We are on countdown now for the wedding."

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Miss Smith was surprised with the Evening Mail's Bouquet of the Week when she was at her weekly Slimming World session at the Soccer Bar in Wilkie Road, Barrow.

The Asda worker was nominated for the special flowers by fellow Slimming World member, Karen Wrightwebb, who described Miss Smith as a joy to be around.

She said: "[She] is there every week giving us tips and helping. She is so helpful and full of fun."

Speaking about losing the weight, Miss Smith said it wasn't hard to change her behaviour patterns and eating habits.

"It was quite easy actually. Everyone always says it's really hard. I didn't find it difficult at all just because of the food options I can have and just the variety.

"I keep going to the group even though I'm at target. It keeps me on track.
"[The group is] really friendly and we get along really well and there's people there from all works of life.

"There's no judgment whatsoever."