A BARROW woman has made a plea for the public to be on the lookout for a stolen trike which she had customised as a present for her young brother who has a disability.

Terri-Ann Gibney, of Barrow,‎ had been doing up a trike for her six-year-old brother Liam Burley, who has down syndrome.

Mrs Gibney had painting up the trike with a distinctive theme of Mr Tumble from CBeebies, as Liam is a big fan of the children's TV character.

The trike is bright yellow with big inflatable tyres and it has some partially drawn on spots as it was to be painted like Mr Tumbles spotty yellow bag.

The trike was at the back door of Oasis florists, in Cavendish Street, Barrow, when it was stolen on Wednesday afternoon.

The shop is owned by Mrs Gibney and Liam's mum, Elaine Burley, and the trike was placed by the back door while the paint was drying.

Liam needs a trike as he also has hypotonia, which affects his muscles, and he can not pedal a regular bike, but can manage a trike.

Mrs Gibney had spent some time trying to find a bigger trike suitable for a six-year-old and they she got to work on doing it up as a surprise for Liam.

She was gutted when it vanished. the trike had been there at 3.10pm, but it was gone by 4.30pm.

Mrs Gibney said: "When I saw the trike was gone, I was fuming about it.

"I'm gutted. My little brother loves Mr Tumble and he would love this trike. You can't go out and buy a trike like this. We had sanded it all down and painted it. I was also going to paint the spots and his name on it too.

It was something just for him and I wanted to give it to him this weekend.

"I'm just thankful he had not seen it yet."

Mrs Gibney really hopes the trike will be returned. She has good support through Facebook with people on the look out for it.

She was very pleased to received an offer of another trike from a mum whose son has grown out off it.

*Have you seen Liam's trike? If you have please get in touch with the Evening Mail on 01229 840190 or contact natalie.chapples@nwemail.co.uk