A GYM owner is elated after her business was named as one of the top ten female gyms in the country.

Rebbecca Bell, a level four PT and nutrition coach from Barrow, runs Transfigure Fitness in Roose.

The 35-year-old is head coach of the gym’s online community which attracts clients from as far as France and Australia to work out from home.

The gym has also gained a large local following since launching six years ago, attracting the attention of lifestyle magazine Women’s Health Magazine.

“I was contacted by a journalist via social media and asked if I'd be open to an interview on female-only gyms,” Rebbecca said.

“We had a chat about the gym and our online community and I didn't think much more of it.

“A month or so later, the journalist reached out to tell me they'd included Transfigure in their list of top 10 female gyms in the country.

“I was thrilled to find out we'd been included in the article. Obviously, it's exciting to have something you care so deeply about mentioned in national press.

“We have a great local following, and our online community in now actually international, with members in Australia and France who work out with us from home but any opportunity to spread our message is greatly appreciated.”

Rebbecca said her gym teaches members not only how to lose far but also how to shift mindset, habits and behaviours too.

She said: “Although we do offer fat loss as part of the package, we don't do diet plans or off limit foods and we don't do weekly weigh ins.

“We teach our members how to lose fat, but also how to get the best from their body through food choices, movement and sleep, to name but a few of the foundations.

“We also do a lot of work on mindset, habits and behaviours and welcome guest experts into our online community as part of the package.

“I'd say the biggest change we see in our members is a shift in mindset from focusing solely on the way they look, to how they feel from a physical and mental health perspective.

“It takes time and work, as many have spent decades dieting and punishing their body, but the ones who commit really do report feeling happier and healthier as part of our team.”

Rebbecca said she hopes the business continues to grow locally and nationally online in the near future.

“We love what we do,” she said.

“We want to continue to grow locally and nationally online.

“We'll keep bringing brilliant guest experts and supporting our members on the journey to healthy and happy.”