PLANS to build a £50,000 pump track have now been completed.

A spokesman at South Lakeland District Council announced that the highly-anticipated pump track at Queen's Park in Windermere is now ready to use and open to the public.

The £50,000 pump track project – designed to appeal to cyclists of all ages – follows hot on the heels of the recent refurbishment of the new playground in Queen’s Park, Windermere.

The company that built the London 2012 Olympics BMX track began work on the exciting new cycle track earlier this summer.

A spokesman for SLDC thanked the volunteers and parents who helped make this project a reality.

He said: "During this spell of fine weather the new cycle circuit is likely to be very busy, so please stay safe, have fun and if it looks busy come back another time.

"Thank you to all the hard-working volunteers and parents from Windermere Park For All who helped bring this much-wanted community project to fruition after years of fundraising.

"Grateful thanks also to the funding partners who gave £50k - British Cycling, English Lakes Hotels Resorts & Venues, the Dulverton Trust and the Holehird Trust."