BARROW'S Better Body Challenge programme is nearing the end of its first year of operating from the town's leisure centre after changing the lives of hundreds of people in south Cumbria.

The Better Body Challenge programme came to Barrow after running successful eight-week programmes in Bowness and Keswick.

The programme works on the principle that participants pay £10 in to a prize pot during the first week and then at the end of the programme the money is awarded to the person who has made the biggest change to their health and lifestyle.


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Over the last eight-week course, 31 people signed up to try to lower their body fat percentage, improve their diet and lead a healthier lifestyle. Organiser James Pendleton, 28, was full of admiration for the most recent participants.

He said: "The winner of our top prize, Mark Purcell, lost five per cent of his body fat and one stone in weight in just seven weeks. He took home £235 for that fantastic effort.

"Mark came along with his wife and has now agreed to work as a trainer on our future courses too."

In second place was Nicola Kett and third was Karen Rotherham, both from Barrow. The ladies were both praised by James and his team for their perseverance and took home prizes of £115 and £45 respectively.


The Christmas challenge will start this week at the Park Leisure Centre and is expected to be the busiest course yet.

James, who is originally from Millom and now lives in Bowness, is also making an innovative new tech-savvy addition to the course which will make it uniquely attractive to even more people in the Furness peninsula.

He will now run an online programme alongside the sessions at the leisure centre so that people can still take part in the course even if they are otherwise engaged with children or work.

He said: "We will now be holding live webchats with an online group who still want to join in on sessions but, for any given reason, can't make the sessions at the leisure centre.

"Fitness and technology are fusing together more and more now because times are really changing. Fitness bloggers and authors are making it really trendy to visit the gym and eat better. I think that using the technology so readily available can only benefit people who are trying to get in to better shape.

"I think it's fantastic that a healthier body shape is being embraced for women too. Many celebrities and bloggers now promote healthy curves and strength rather than just being skinny."


James and his team lead weekly sessions and each one addresses a new area of nutrition. It is done in a similar format to a lesson or lecture but the team do their best to make it fun and interactive too.

For instance, when studying fibre they play a game to organise all the different foods in order of fibre content.

James said: "We don't necessarily want to promote dramatic weight loss, especially not when it is done too quickly. We want to educate people and help them find a lifestyle they can stick with and by doing that keep the weight off for good.

"After the eight weeks, the prize money is not awarded to the person who has lost the most weight, but the person who has shed the most fat and perhaps gained the most muscle."

Although many people may think about signing up to the Better Body Challenge in time for summer, James says that winter is an incredibly busy time for them.

He said: "We get so many people who want to get trimmer for the Christmas party season I think this will be our busiest course yet."


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James's daily plan

James Pendleton, personal trainer and Better Body Challenge organiser, said: "The idea is to eat regularly. Ideally every 2.5-3 hours and always to include protein in every meal and snack.

"It is also important to drink three litres of water plus each day and introduce regular exercise in to your daily routine."

Examples of James's recommended meals are as follows:

1. Breakfast - two poached eggs on a slice of burgen bread along with some smoked salmon.

2. Mid-morning snack - three oat cakes with cottage cheese and tomato.

3. Lunch - chicken, avocado and salad wholemeal wrap.

4. Mid-afternoon snack - hummus and carrot sticks.

5. Dinner - salmon fillet and roast vegetables.

6. Optional dessert - natural yogurt and piece of fruit.