It's great having somebody there to come home to and everyone loves their spouse but are they really as comforting as a great sandwich? It's a tough one ....

1. A sandwich can always be put together in 5 minutes, you don't have to trawl through tinder to find the right one.

2. A sandwich never answers back or makes whiny comments.

3. You can share it with your friends and it won't create any weird jealousy issues.

4. Your sandwich will never make you watch films you hate at the cinema.

5. A sandwich never criticises anything about you.

6. You can spend as much as you like on a sandwich, they can be a cheap ham on granary or a gourmet fillet of beef on ciabatta drizzled in Gruyère cheese.

7. You can trade in your sandwich every day for a different one depending on what takes your fancy.

8. When your sandwich is gone you can just go out and buy a new sandwich, there is no need to shed any tears.

9. When you introduce a sandwich to your family they will always love it, especially if you bring enough to go around the whole table.

10. A sandwich can easily be toasted and double as a good hand warmer for the entire five minutes it takes for you to eat it.