SMALL reminders of the dangers of working underground in West Cumbria's coal mines have been sold at auction.

A small group of pit checks, used as a safety device by miners, were sold on Ebay.

The highest prices was £87.55 for an example from William Pit at Whitehaven.

One numbered check would be carried underground during a shift while a matching check was kept at the surface to show who was working, in case of an emergency.

Other examples includes £10.09 for a check from Harrington Colliery, £27.25 for a coper check from Haig Pit, Whitehaven and £19.11 for a check from Risehow.

Another square brass check from St Helen's Colliery made £17.25 and £11.01 was paid for an oval check from Solway Colliery.