A former member of a Cumbrian coastguard team put his old training to good use to save an elderly man.

The incident took place on Sunday, May 19 after the man was in danger of being cut off by the incoming tide at Millom Pier.

A former member of Millom coastguard happened to be in the area at the time and called his former colleagues.

A spokesperson from the team commented: "He was out for a drive with his wife and put in the 999 call to ensure backup was on the way, then shouted to guide the elderly person off the sands.

"Consequently, the team were stood down prior to leaving the station - it just goes to show the training never leaves you."

The location of this incident was the exact same place where, in 1999, a local policeman was awarded the honour of Britain's Bravest Policeman following a similar incident.