A butchers is turning to the public as they hunt for the next great banger.

Mark Duckworth from Dales Traditional Butchers, which operates on Market Street in Kirkby Lonsdale, is spearheading the 'ultimate sausage-making contest'.

The winner will not only earn themselves a 5lb bag of the victorious sausage from last year, but they will also be treated to an exclusive opportunity to learn the art of sausage making with the skilled team themselves.

Read more: Kirkby Lonsdale butchers pick up three gold awards | The Mail (nwemail.co.uk)

Mark said: "We're looking for a foodie who loves to experiment with flavours.

"It's a chance to show off your culinary creativity by entering the competition."

Those looking to get involved are invited to create their own unique sausage recipe, which can be sent to mark@dalesbutchers.co.uk.

"We're looking for you to mix up your favourite ingredients, think outside the box, and invent a sausage recipe that will wow the world," said Mark.

"We then want to know the story behind your creation - why did you choose those specific ingredients and what sets your sausage apart from all the others to crown it the champion?"

The winning sausage will be sold and featured at Dales Traditional Butchers for an entire month.

As well as having a bit of fun and promoting the business, the contest is designed to have a more widespread benefit to the community.

"For every kilogram that's sold, we'll donate £2 to the person's chosen charity," Mark explained.

"So this is your chance to become famous for your sausage creation and support a great cause at the same time - what are you waiting for?"

The winner will be announced on Monday May 20, with the sausages being readied for sale in June.